Welcome to Indoline Pump Industries

At Indoline Pump Industries, we are dedicated to providing high-quality water pumps and motors for a variety of applications. With years of experience in the industry, we have established ourselves as a trusted name in the field of water pumping solutions.

Indoline Pump Industries is a leading manufacturer and supplier of water pumps and motors, committed to delivering reliable and efficient pumping solutions to our customers worldwide. With a rich heritage of excellence and innovation, we have established ourselves as a trusted name in the industry.

We strive to continuously improve our products and services through innovation, research, and development, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the field of pumping.

Unlock Prosperity with Indoline Pump Industries

At Indoline Pump Industries, we understand that access to reliable water pumping solutions is essential for prosperity and growth.
That's why we're proud to offer a range of best-performing water pumps designed
to fuel prosperity in every application.

Jet Pumps

Propel your water supply systems to new heights with our jet pumps, renowned for their exceptional suction capabilities.


Perfect for domestic water supply and small-scale agricultural applications, these pumps are the catalysts for prosperity in every household and farm.


Harness the power of centrifugal force with our high-efficiency pumps, ideal for irrigation, water supply, and industrial applications.


Dive into efficiency with our submersible pumps, designed to tackle groundwater extraction, drainage, and sewage handling with ease.

We adhere to stringent quality standards to ensure that our products meet the highest levels of performance and reliability.


We continuously invest in research and development to bring innovative solutions to our customers, ensuring that we stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology and performance.


Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering. We strive to understand our customers' needs and provide them with personalized solutions that exceed their expectations.


Our Products Spcification

Stainless Steel Sand resistant construction.
Kindsbury type Thrust Bearings.
NEMA Mounting Dimensions.
Axial thrust up to 6500 N for High Thrust Motor.
Wet Type water filled, easy rewindable Submersible motors.
Highly durable designed for best possible hydraulic efficiency.
Light Weight and compact design.
Good wear resistance and sand protection through.

₹ 7890

₹ 7890

₹ 7890

₹ 7890